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Recently I worked with the Auchterarder Picturehouse to create a launch video for their new Creative Hub. This is the first stage in the development of a huge complex including a 1920s Picturehouse.

I spent some time with Peter (the project leader) and we filmed not only the launch video, but we discussed everything planned for the charity for the year ahead.

I can now edit this footage to produce video content that they can release throughout the year or can be put on their website. We spent about 2 hours filming interviews and footage of the space - we are likely to be able to make 10 videos from that short time.

I brought all of the equipment - film camera, lighting, microphones and we filmed in multiple locations to give variation to the videos and visual interest. Finally, I colour graded it with an Orange and Teal colour grade which adds drama to the image - both matching the space and also making faces stand out from the background. This draws the eye to the subject of the video.

See it here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C48RRduIgyU/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

Industry Trends

Authenticity - avoid generic images and video so it isn’t ignored.

Authenticity is the buzzword in the video and social media space at the moment. AI is changing at an exponential rate, it is currently able to produce photo realistic video. To the point where future developments at a massive film studio have been halted until it becomes clear where AI film production might take us.

I feel that this does not mean that we should stop producing video but that the video we produce has to balance quality and authenticity. It is perhaps a level above shaky iPhone footage with bad audio, but not to the extent that everything appears scripted and error free.To add authenticity the videos can also be created in environments that are 'real' - a clearly used room, interviews during a live event etc.

Poor quality video can suggest that the brand is either incapable of refinement or that it is a very small business early in development.

AI has the ability to paralyse us due to it's massive abilities however fundamentally we are trying to speak to humans about human things so our videos will perform best if there is humanity and some imperfection.

Here are some examples of interviews which I think are a balance of authenticity and quality https://vimeo.com/showcase/11042413

Evergreen Content - What is it

Evergreen content (video & photo) is a term that has sprung to the fore as businesses and marketers try to keep the quality of social media posts high while reducing costs. It involves taking videos or images in such a way that there is minimal detail to assign time or place to the image. e.g. hands but no faces, no indication of the season, background out of focus.

It is a delicate balance but authentic images and videos can be taken of events, courses, equipment that allows it to be re-used again and again with different posts even if the time of the year, staff or place have changed.

The classic example is where a product is photographed on a white background. While this is fine, it is possible to show the product or service (e.g. a training course) in action without capturing too much detail.

This creates a bank of images and videos for posts which can then be used again and again. More time is generally taken taking and editing this bank of content so the quality is much higher than a quick photo at the end of a course to prove that it happened.

There may be a cost for initially producing the content but then the content can be used for a year or two overall reducing the cost. It means you have your very own 'stock video & image' library but with an authentic look unlike most stock images. Here are some examples

Return on Investment - being specific

Finally, although we might have a huge number of ideas for videos, being really specific about the aims of the video is really important for videos that convert.

For example: the aim of this interview is to encourage viewers to reflect on their equine training techniques:

Some of the questions worth asking are:

  • What is the purpose of the video e.g. to raise awareness of the brand or product by encouraging shares or likes or increase sales of the product with a clear call-to-action?

  • How will success of the video be measured - link clicks, likes & shares or increase in sales?

  • What would you like the viewer to remember after watching the video?